Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Adventurous Online Life

I would like to start this off by saying that this subject came from a movie I watched on Friday. Some things I talk about in this post will be issues from the movie. I am not naming the movie because though it gave me some intense insight.. the key word is INTENSE. It was TERRIBLE!!!! I don't mean the acting sucked, or the graphics were bad, I mean it was RAW! It was straight forward, to the point, and sad.
So to start this off I want to say: the subject Nicole and I took on of sex trafficking is not the ideal subject. It is not happy, joyous, or fun in the sun. It is dark, saddening, scary, and cruel. But it is a subject we took on in the hopes that if we share our knowledge and it keeps ONE, just one, person from becoming a victim.. then our whole mission was worth it. All the late nights, writters-block, sadness, frustration, anger, hurt, money, SADDENING research, and fights. It was ALL worth it if we can just save one.
Ok- now since that's off my chest let's get to the main subject of this post. The internet. I used to LOVE the internet. It's a place where you can be whomever you want to be. No hiding behind insecurities or fears. You can say what you want and you don't care what people think because they don't really know you. They can start a ciber fight, but what does that matter, right? You are who you want to be. The person you aren't when you're with your real life friends, but the thing about the internet is you don't know who you're talking to.
I was watching this movie, of which I already said I won't name because it was the saddest thing I've ever seen, and these two girls from Hollywood. Best friends. Schoolmates. Well, they lived seemingly normal lives. One was a popular girl who had tons of friends, got LOTS of guys, partied hard, was super secure, outgoing, and beautiful. The other, well she was shy, insecure, and modest, pretty.. but not model-tastic, not the type of girl most guys notice.
The cofident girl, we'll call her Stacy, met this "hot" guy online. His webcam was broken, so he sent her pictures. Totes legit, right? Anywho, her webcam worked totally fine. So she showed him who she was. Showed him a little more then needed, but he wanted it, and she wanted the attention. She thought he was her age, attractive, sweet. They talk, they flirt, they like each other. So she decides to meet with him. In the back alley of a diner where she lives. Turns out, he's not a teenager, he's not attractive, and he's not into her because he wants to "hook-up". He wants to use her as a sex slave. He kidnaps her, and uses her for his own pleasures as well as others. That's where Stacy's story stops for now.
Now let's move on to her friend, the shy one. We'll call her...Sarah. Well because she was Stacy's best friend, she of course knew about the guy Stacy had met online. Sarah reaches out to this guy after Stacy's disappearence. She asks him if Stacy ever met up with him that night. He of course never met up with her, or so he says. I mean I wouldn't admit to such a crime either. But because Sarah is scared he did something to her best friend she goes to the police and tells them about this mysterious man online that Stacy was going to meet with. Once this guy finds out about what Sarah did, because it's all over the news, he takes her too for fear that she'll get him caught.
In the future scenes it shows what he's done to the girls after taking them. He's raped them multiple times, sold pornographic photos of them on fetish sights, and used them for other sexual things for his gain.
He sex trafficks these girls after kidnapping one of them whom willingly met him in a back alley thinking him to be a hot teenager. The other, he took because she wouldn't keep her mouth shut. This was a true story that took place in 2007 in hollywood. 6 years ago sex trafficking was an issue in the USA. It's only getting worse as time goes on and people allow it to continue without a fight.
Moral of the story #1: Share your knowledge. NO ONE is protected from this crime unless you know you're stuff. If you are niave to the issue how can you protect yourself from it? You can't. So share it. Fight against this issue.  
Moral of the story #2: Don't EVER meet anyone you met online unless it's in a highly public place. Leave out, in your conversations with this person, where you live, your true name, your true age, and don't try to be super sexy by sending them inappropriate pictures. If they like you and are truly who they say they are they will abide by your terms willingly. If they don't then there is something wrong there. Also, listen to your gut. It's not always right, but is right more often then not. If you don't feel like this person is telling you the truth, listen to that gut feeling and stop talking to them. I'd rather you be safe then sorry.
I know this isn't a happy post, but this subject of sex trafficking is not happy at all. Nicole and I are not here to candy coat this issue but to bring it into light. To expose the ugly side of this business. To expose every form of this business.
Please don't take this information and forget about it. Don't read this post and act like it never existed. Please, please, please share the information you gained through this post and do a HUGE part in changing this industry. If there aren't any guys or girls for them to take then it won't thrive.
Thanks for your support, time, and effort!
Janice & Nicole

P.S. Have you been changing the world with sticky notes yet? If not, read our first post "Let's Explain Our Mission" and see how you can make a difference in such a easy way. Once you do email us at: and share your stories with us. We would also love to hear about what you're doing to stop this injustice, or a personal injustice of your own. We would love to have your questions, concerns, and comments emailed to us too. We REALLY want to hear from you.

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