Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Slap In The Face

Recently we've received tons of emails from the FBI about people being convicted of sex trafficking throughout the US. What stuck out most for me was a man being found guilty with sex trafficking in Charlotte, NC. Being from NC, originally, it was a slap in the face! To think, when I lived there this business could've been thriving and now it's only growing bigger.

It's reported that the man who we'll call Philip (Not his real name). met the minor (who is never named) online. Shortly after they met the man, being charged, and the minor started texting each other. Philip and his girlfriend then arranged to picked up the minor in front of her school. They then went to a motel in Charlotte where Philip took inappropriate photographs of the minor and posted them on a inappropriate website as a advertisement to have sex with the minor.

Of course they had immediate response to the ad and Philip took the minor to engage in sex acts with two men. The only way she was found, according to the report, is because she was abandoned by the couple that took her because they were scared they'd get caught. Immediately after dumping her like trash, she called 911 and eventually the police caught the guy who was trafficking her.

The terrible thing is that though we have clearly stated, from day one, that this happens everywhere...even down the street from you...people don't seem to believe us. But everytime I get online to look through our email I find emails like this from all over the US. There have been, since we signed up, about 15 emails that have to do with sex trafficking and we haven't been subscribed long. The problem is, no one hears about these things unless they subscribe to the FBI, and who typically thinks of doing that? I would highly advise you all to sign up for them too, so that you might be able to read up on this injustice our whole blog is dedicated to fight against.
I wanted to add a couple of quotes from various people who were involved in this case. This is what they have to say on the matter of sex trafficking. People who have seen it first hand and dealt with the people on both ends. The victims, and the monster.

“Gray-Sommerville preyed upon a vulnerable young girl and exploited her in the worst possible way. Sex trafficking is a reprehensible crime that dehumanizes victims and strips them of their dignity. My office will continue to work closely with our law enforcement partners to identify and prosecute sex traffickers who profit from prostituting minors.”- U.S. Attorney Smith

“The defendant lured a young girl away from her family with promises of money but instead sold her as a sex slave. It is inconceivable that someone would sexually exploit a child for financial gain, but it does happen, and the FBI will aggressively pursue those who victimize our children,” - John Summers

"The verdict sends a loud message that these type of disgraceful offenses against children will not be tolerated in our community. We will continue to work with our federal partners in our efforts to protect children,” -Chief Rodgers

Sex Trafficking is not a subject Nicole and I just randomly came up with one day so we would have something to write about. It's a very real injustice and a very huge one. Maybe if someone had informed that girl of the dangers of sex trafficking and described to her some of the ways you can become involved in that industry she would've never met with this guy and never had to go through that trauma. You sharing your information on the matter of sex trafficking could mean the difference between someone remaining free, and someone becoming a victim.

Don't ever forget to stay aware,

Janice and Nicole

P.S. Have you been doing your sticky notes? If you have email us your story, we would love to share it for you! if you don't know what sticky noting is read our first blog post "Let's Explain Our Mission." Our email is:

All names, including from quotes, were changed.

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