Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Disruption! Good or Bad?

When you hear, "at the restaurant I ate at last night, there was a teenager who was super disruptive!" What do you think of?
For most of you wonderful readers out there, your first thought would be a negitive one. And in all honesty, so would mine. But this is how the society we live in thinks. So, if your first thought, when you hear the word disrupt, is negative, Janice and I want to change that.
The sex trade. This is what Janice and I plan on disrupting.  Though, people are starting to become more aware of the sex industry, there's still a lot to be done. For those who are fighting against sex trafficking, good job! But for such a big injustice,  there needs to be a BIG fight. And that is what Janice and I are going to do.
We will be positive disruptors for a slightly unpopular topic! Is that not just awesome?! We will be the voice for those without a voice. We will be the hands and feet to reach out to those in need. We will stand up and say enough is enough. We won't stop until sex trafficking is no longer an unheard of topic. We won't stop till sex trafficking is stopped.
Our mission, may seem hard, but it is one that is worth it. We want to disrupt in a positive way to end an  injustice. Disbelief in our dreams is fire to the fuel thst keeps us going. There's a phrase, "Rome was not built in a day." It is important to remember that in battle, sometimes, numbers do matter. That is why Janice and I want you to be positive disruptors with us!
Disrupting by sharing knowledge on sex trafficking is a powerful tool. Janice and I use it on a daily bases. And so can you! A difference can be made. You can be a world changer. You can be the cause of a disruption that causes an end to one of the world's biggest injustices. Now how would you like to put that on your resume?! It's a pretty powerful thought, and you can be a part of it!
Your positive disruptors,
Nicole and Janice
PS are you making a positive disruption? If so we would love to hear from you! Email us at  We would love to share your story!

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