Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Make the Most of Your Time

There has to be a song some where out there in the world that totally fits the title of this post, but I can't think of one. So, lets just move on.

I hope that you are all having a wonderful day! I hope that your days is full of smiles, laughter, butterflies and love. Am I starting to sound a little cheesy? If I am, I apologize.

In a world like ours it can seem like everything is rush, rush, rush. And lets be honest for a moment, Americans, it seems, are known for this. We are always going, going, going. And then one day we will be gone. Not such a happy thought, right? Okay, I will continue.

I'm not here to tell you that you need to stop and smell the roses. But, hey, if it is something you would like to do in life, by all means, do it! I'm here to ask you what is important in your life. Your family? Friends? Work? Faith? Partying? Saving the whales? Stopping sex trafficking?

I know for me, faith, family, and stopping sex trafficking are all some of the things that are important in my life. So, I make time for these things. I take the time to write some sticky notes, and I do it in bulk! It only takes about 10 minutes to crank out 20 post it notes with a sex trafficking fact and this blogs web address. That's it. Of course a few other things are put on the sticky note, but you got the idea. Then I put my finished sticky notes in a cute little wallet type purse a lady gave me. This is where the sticky notes hang out till they are put into use.

In life though we get busy. We have to run to the grocery story for our family's dinner, we need to get gas in the car, we have to get the little kids clothes when the old ones have holes in them. Well, did you know, that when you are doing this, you have the perfect time to get people aware of sex trafficking. Besides just talking to the people checking you out at the store there are RESTROOMS! Who knew those existed, right?

Bet you didn't see that one coming! Actually, restrooms are my favorite spot to place those sticky notes I mentioned earlier. You can run in and plop it up on the mirror, and if you really need to use the restroom you can also put it in the stall! Or just run in, plop it up, and run out. Easy as that.

Pretty smart idea right? Without even going more then, maybe, 20 feet out of your way. You can help in the fight against sex trafficking. You can help start a domino affect that could save someones life! Awesome to think about, right?!

So the next time you have some spare time, why not just make a few sticky notes to keep in your wallet or purse? Then when you get a chance, post them! It is actually pretty fun to do! And takes hardly any time at all.

When you have done this you can even take a picture of your lovely sticky note, and send it to us (askmeaboutsextrafficking@gmail.com) where we will try and post your story! We want to share the passion with everyone!

So take the 10 or so minutes to put your time into something that can change the world. Janice and I are asking just for some of your time. We aren't asking you to, right now, open your wallets, and give us a chunk of change. We just want to share knowledge with people all over the world!

Remember you can be a world changer too,

Nicole and Janice

Here is an example of one of our sticky notes! Super simple, yet effective.

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