Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Thought and a Lesson Relearned

The holiday weekend is quickly coming to an end and I hope that you all have enjoyed it. I hope you were able to spend time with the people you love and do things that you enjoy. But before the weekend does come to an end, I would like to share with you something I learned a long time ago. Something that was very recently brought back to my attention.
Last night I was watching a television show, the name does not matter, but in this specific episode it dealt with a type of sex trafficking. A mother was pimping out her young daughter for money to men three times her age. The daughter, I believe, was about 11 years old and in the hospital because she had caught an STD. While in the hospital the mother told the doctors and nurses a false statement of how her daughter had gotten sick. She was quickly caught in the lie, as she was continuing to sell her daughter to men in the hospital, while she was being treated. Shocking and horrible I know.
Now here is what I would like you to get out of this. Sometimes, it is all too easy to get in the habit of thinking sex trafficking is just a large community of men working together. Where they own a large number of females, of all ages, and sale them for sex. I also had fallen to this form of thinking in the past. But we need to remember both forms of trafficking; the parent who sales his or her own child for sex and the group of traffickers who work together. Both are just as cruel as the other, and both need to be stopped. The only way that ALL forms of trafficking can be stopped is to know and address the different types. For example, sex trafficking includes prostitution, pornography, stripping, military prostitution, sex tourism, mail-ordered brides and live-sex shows. Though it is hard for us to imagine these things are taking place all around the world, include all ages, and come in many different forms. 
No longer can we as people, who have been made aware, sit down and watch this horrible injustice continue. We need to stand up, and demand that it be stopped. That is why we ask for your help in the fight against sex trafficking by posting sticky notes to bring awareness to others. Never forget that one person can be the difference.
Your friend with, a burning passion to see the sex trade stopped,

P.S. Have you been doing your sticky notes? Have any questions let us know! (

Here are some pictures of Janice and I at Bass Pro sticky noting it up! It was a fun way to spend our Fourth of July!

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