Thursday, October 10, 2013

Say What

Good day friends! We hope that you are having a good day and keep having good days to come! A little too cheesy? Not for me! Another busy week has come and gone and I get to see my partner in stopping the sex trade, Janice, for the first time since starting college! Needless to say we are both pumped!!!! Reunited so soon, and if feels so good!

For today I want to ask you all a question, actually more of a favor. But first, I need to tell you a story. Don't let the past few sentences make your mind wander and all together stop reading. We aren't asking for money, that is NOT what the favor is!

Now, for the story. To keep too much information from being shared, the guy I am talking about in this story, we will call him Henry.

As I have said before I am currently in college. Now in one of the classes that I have taken, it was time for us to do a research/argumentative paper. When the time came to decide the topic I knew at once what I wanted to do my paper on. I wanted to do it on sex trafficking! I was pumped!

After the class was done I was talking to my friend Henry and he told me that I should do my paper on child sex trafficking, because he had heard that there was such a thing as child trafficking.

 If my whole body language at that moment didn't change, I would be totally shocked. Not that his suggestion was a bad one it was just that he had not heard about sex trafficking until recently and that he didn't know much about the issue, so I was shocked. Yet another annoyance with sex trafficking being kept quiet.  After the initial shock was over, and I had picked my jaw up off the ground. We continued talking. Needless to say I did not do my paper on child sex trafficking, I did it on sex trafficking and the church, let me just say, wow! But that is a post for another day.

The key point to my story is Henry's suggestion on what my paper should be over. To me that is totally unacceptable! But before we all hunt down Henry and shout every known fact about child sex trafficking in his face, lets take a moment and think about this, shall we?

I was totally stunned about what Henry had suggested, but looking at it now, he is not totally to blame. The fact that he didn't know the extent of child sex trafficking gave me a huge array of feelings. The main one might have been punching a wall. But then I realized how many people are in the same, clueless boat Henry is in.

I feel like, and this may be somewhat wrong, after all,  I am in college and currently without a t.v. and a news station. But, it seems that when a huge news report comes on about sex trafficking, and they don't come on often, its all a huge shock to the public. But, then there is nothing after that. I mean it is normally about a bust after all, totally giving off the idea that sex trafficking is getting better.

No research is done after that and everything is just left at that. See if we were to look into it, we would see that yes there is some good happening with the sex trade, but there is a lot left to be done. It's an ever growing crime that expands every second of every day. So in reality, though something is being done which is good, it's only a slight dent in this HUGE organization. And having people like Henry, believe that there is child sex trafficking, because he has heard of it,  once.  Isn't a good thing.

So, here is my favor to ask of you guys. Start sharing what you know about sex trafficking with the people around you. No matter who it is. After all if you plant the seed, it may take time to grow, but at least you planted it. And from there it is their choice to do with what you told them however they want. But for them to do nothing, after finding out about the sex trade would be irresponsible. Plus there is always something to do, even if the first step really is just getting people aware! That's a great place to start!

So, this weekend while you are at the cash register checking out, talk to the clerk about sex trafficking, you may be informing the next big activist for a cause! You never know!

Be aware and get others aware,

Nicole and Janice

P.S. Have you put up stick any notes lately? Want to share an experience or even some facts? Maybe just a story of your life and how sex trafficking affected it in any way? Email us at
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