Friday, October 4, 2013

Me, Myself and I

Hello! First off as I start this post Janice and I would like to apologize for the decrease in posts this past week to about a week and a half. We have both been extremely busy. Janice with work and preparations for an awesome schooling experience that she will soon be embarking on! For me, I have been super busy with school and with work! Life is busy and yet so much fun! Janice and I always joke about how we can sleep when we are dead...though I am not sure that really will work, but hey! Jokes are fun when they don't hurt!...Right?

Well, off of that little tangent and on to the meat of the post, after all we aren't intending to be a cookies and milk blog. We ain't no bakers, we be butchers! Well, sort of...we are choppin up the sex trade! No more sex slaves! Freedom!

The other day I was in my Humanities class when my professor got on the topic of how my generation is known as the "I" generation. (mid to late teens and early twenties. So, Janice and I.) I started to really think about that for awhile.

Now, the last post that Janice and I did was regarding our generation as well. Don't get ahead of me right now, stuff will be said in this post that will pertain to everyone, so don't check out just yet. In the last post we talked about how our generation has had its voice taken away from it and we are not as able to be freely us. This all came from a guest speaker in chapel I attended.

Then in humanities, as I previously said, the professor started talking about my generation. I have heard other people call my generation the "I" generation. The way it was explained to me was, my generation is so centered on ourselves that we don't care about others.

This at first made me gasp and be like, "No! Have you ever met me?! This cannot be!" Then I realized not everyone is me, and my generation really is the "I" generation. I feel like, because, for so long we were kept from being "us" my generation totally rebelled. Now, not everyone has rebelled and turned in to the "what about me's," but you get my point. You don't have to agree with me on this matter but hang in there please.

Because of everything that has happened  my generation totally has a bad reputation. Sad but true. I went to the store once, and saw an elderly women trying to make her way to the car in the snow and offer to help her. My offer is totally refused with a look of some horror. But, as I walk a way a women in her 60's (approximately) walks up to her, helps her to her car and then makes her way back into the store.

My generation is feared. My generation is hippies. My generation is hipsters. My generation is composed of people who are shy and of people who act out so much, and only care for themselves.
And it seems like there is definitely a lack of faith in my generations, and in the younger generations. But then I have met my generation and I can see where this all comes from.

But now here is the thing, I want my generation to no longer be the "I" generation, but the "you" generation. I want my generation to be so passionate for others that it spills over into the other generations. Then as the domino affect starts and passions spread, change can happen, like the end of the sex trade!

Ding!! Don't worry, we are a blog about sex trafficking, I cant not mention it!

Granted, this is a HUGE dream, and some of you probably think I am a little crazy for it, but hey I am a dreamer. I dream that there will be an end to the sex trade, most people hear that and already think I am a little crazy. So, go really BIG or go home! Actually, don't go home, don't be thinking only of yourself, think of others. Cause you can make a change no matter who you are or where you are from.

Think of others don't just think of yourself.

You can be apart of the "you" generation,

Nicole and Janice

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