Friday, June 28, 2013

Lets Explain Our Mission

So, due to the fact that this is our first blog post, lets explain whats on our hearts. We have noticed a huge tragedy that is sweeping the world. From Cambodia to right here in America. What is this tragedy? Sex trafficking, commonly known as human trafficking. Its modern day slavery and it is at the highest it has ever been...IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Girls are being sold right down the street, yet most people are totally clueless about the situation.

This is where we come into play. Informing you is our first step. With you informed, you can then share the injustice with the people around you. You don't have to have a blog, be outgoing, be rich, super popular, or a straight A student. You just have to be willing to help us stop this injustice. You need to acknowledge there is an issue, and share that knowledge with the people you commonly encounter. Simple as that. People want to save the whales because they know they are dying; yet they do not know about the little girls who are used for sex and are slowly dying in cages all around the world. Information is our key weapon.

Now, how you can help us, help them. We arent asking for money. We just want to get you involved. Here is one way you can do that...STICKY NOTES!!!! How can sticky notes help, you say?!?!? Good question my friend! Here is the answer, you are going to tell people about sex trafficking with them. Put a simple fact on a sticky note about sex trafficking and put our blog address on it! Once you have done this leave it in a public place for someone to find, like a bathroom or dressing room. If you do this we would love to know about it! Take a picture of the note where ever you leave it and send us the picture with your name, age, location, and brief description.
 (! You may even see it here on the blog!!!

Also if you are already somehow involved in the fight against sex trafficking we want to hear about it!! Please send us an email and picture with your story! We want to encourage others that EVERYONE can help! No matter social status or age.

On another note we want to keep you safe. Self defense classes are highly recommended for girls of all ages. Use wisdom. Don't travel alone at night. Even if it's just to your car after work. Ask someone, perferable a male or mulitple females, to accompany you. Remember there is safety in numbers. STRANGER DANGER!!! Be smart about who you talk to. Try not to be alone with ANYONE you've just met. Remember that there can be both male and FEMALE recruiters. We just don't want you to be their next target. Never give out your personal information to strangers. I know we ALL like the attention from a random hot guy, but giving him your number could potentially lead to danger.

Have we started to sound like annoying mother's yet? Good, that's what we were going for!

So now that you're informed, do something about this injustice. Protect yourself, and get involved.

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