Friday, June 28, 2013

A Men's Bathroom and a Sip of Chai!

Because we want you guys to start putting up sticky notes in random public places we decided to share our first experiences with you.. Just so happens it took place today.

For me (Janice) it was in the gentlemen's bathroom! Nicole and I were buying sticky notes and pretty writting pens to carry around so we could put up our facts all around the Denver area. As we're checking out of the store Nicole asks where the bathroom is. "Unfortunately," say's the lady, "the ladies bathroom is broken, but you can use the gentlemen's one." Only God would do this. Ironic isn't He?  He loves me so much that He would give me the chance to not only do this, but to put it in the bathroom of the most dominate gender that buys and sells these girls. He's hilar! But seriously, the overall experience was amazing! I was kind of scared, and SUPER nervous to do this for the first time. But the adrenaline kicked in and I felt like SUPERMAN! Changing the world one sticky note at a time!

For me (Nicole) I left my sticky note in America's number one coffee shop...STARBUCKS!!! While drinking my oh so fabulous Iced Caramel Macchiato I knew it was time...time to change the world. I had to go "potty." The moments leading up to my walk to the woman's restroom were quite anxious. I had a little spare time so I decorated my sticky all pretty like! Because I am a GIRL!!!! I walked into the woman's restroom with a yellow sticky note and I left the woman's restroom without one! Yup, it was that easy! Actually, it wasn't. Janice stayed out with my laptop and trust me trying to take a picture with a sticky note, in a restroom is tough work man! But none the less my "job" was accomplished for the time being.

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