Monday, September 23, 2013


I love movies as much as the next girl. I mean, I get to curl up in a ball with my favorite pink comforter, wearing my yoga pants and t-shirt, while cuddling my teddy bear, Surg, who I  have had ever since I had my appendix out. My favorite is when I get to do one of these movie moments with my friends!

During the summer I was able to watch a movie with Janice and we watched some movies on a popular, legal movie cite. Of course all the movies we watched had to do with sex trafficking. It is who we are, it is what we do. Anyway, this movie was one of the best sex trafficking movies I had ever seen. Like, it was really good. Anyway, time ran out and we were unable to finish the movie.

Now, that I am currently in college, I have more friends who I am always talking about sex trafficking with.  It truly is a good thing, and I cannot lie, I am grateful for all my friends putting up with me!  I am truly blessed. However, with always talking about sex trafficking I had mentioned the movie, that I watched with Janice, to them on multiple occasions.

This week we sat down and watched the movie in full, and I was able to finish it. Boy was it good. Sad, but good. I don't want to explain it and if you want to watch it, it is called "The Whistleblower." It is really a movie that should be watched.

There is something that is said in the movie though that is so true. "It spreads like cancer."

This quote is regarding human trafficking. And it couldn't be more true. Think about it. Like, really take a few seconds and think about it.  Sex trafficking is like cancer...

Sex trafficking is like cancer.

Is that hitting you as hard as it hit me? When I heard this part of the movie for the second time, it was like a punch to the stomach. I actually got up and left the room for a few minutes, repeating that over and over. I don't know what it is about that statement but it really was like I just got hit by a train. Though, that statement is a bit of an exaggeration, it gets my point across.

Here's the thing, sex trafficking is like cancer; and when a person has cancer there is always a fight against the cancer that takes place. For instance, surgery and chemotherapy are generally things that need to be done and is done so that the person with cancer can survive.

So, if sex trafficking is like a cancer, we need to start fighting against it like it is. We need to fight against it aggressively. Plain and simple. We need to stop being our old couch-potato-selves and get to work.

When I say this, I am even talking to myself. I like watching movies with my friends, but what if I gave up one movie a week to actively start fighting the sex trade even more then I am now? What if you did the same? What if we all did this? How many hours would we as people, around the world, be giving to those truly in need? Think of how many hours would go to such a great cause if we were to do this. I don't know about you all, but I know that I am going to start doing this.

Even if it is just volunteering my time or writing letters to my congress men, there is a lot that can be done; and I am not going to sit around on my butt while girls are being raped by men and blunt objects, being drugged and forced to do things that they do not want to do. I am not going to sit around as more and more young boys are being trafficked to fulfill the "needs" of dirty filthy men. I just cant sit around as the bodies of other humans are being defiled by people who have no business doing what they are doing. I just cant. And I hope, I pray that you can't either.

I am going to do some research on what I can do to help stop sex trafficking in my area. Why don't you do the same? Because, do you want to know a secret? You can make a difference. You!!! You. Is that not wonderful?!

Now, get up, get your war paint on and lets kick this cancer in the butt,

Nicole and Janice

P.S. If you ever need to get in touch with us, share a story, share your passion to fight an injustice feel free to comment or email us! We would love to share your passion!

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