Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's Personal

Hello! Long time! And not going to lie, it has been too long, Janice and I will try not to let it happen again! It was wonderful to reunite with my partner in changing the world. Though, it was not for long it was awesome! Now, she is out spending time with her family and I am left here with my roomie and best college bud, hittin up the home front. I cannot lie, I am enjoying my fall break.
I am currently sitting in this cute little coffee shop, writing this post. I showed up about 30 minutes early to a meeting so I could have some time on the blog. Boy, can I just say that it was needed! Anyway, I was having a really hard time coming up with a post to do over sex trafficking.
I look at my roommate and I start to complain, "I need a post on sex trafficking. Sex trafficking. I can't just do some random old blog post like everyone else. This blog isn't about that. It's about sex trafficking. It isn't personal! Sex trafficking isn't personal?!"
And just like that I put my boot wearing, size 9 1/2 foot right in my mouth... How could I be so blind?! So stupid!? So misguided!? Had I, since coming back to Colorado, been living under a mind washing rock?! The answer is no, but here is why I had such an adverse reaction to my, very misguided, question.
Yup, you heard me right. Sex trafficking is personal. So, here is the part where most would back away shaking your head, maybe even scratching it. If this is you, hold on! I realize what I am saying may seem a little...off kilter perhaps.
I know some of you are currently saying, "Nicole, what are you talking about?" Other ones may be totally on key and just cheering on the statement. But for those of you who are questioning what I have just stated, let me take a moment and enlighten you.
Let's just take a moment and look at the facts, shall we? For some, these facts may already be known, but in my experience, this is generally not the case. The U.S. is the 3rd top destination country for sex trafficking. Getting around 15,500-17,500 people yearly, that's about an average of 43 people trafficked into the U.S. on a daily bases.
Now, next fact, Sex trafficking has been reported in all 50 states and at some point in time, every country in the world.
Not totally convinced about sex trafficking being personal yet?
Did you know in the U.S. 12 is the average age for a girl to be trafficked into porn and prostitution. Yup, 12, horrid isn't it?
Did you know that sex trafficking includes girls, boy, women and men. Yup. You better believe it.
Whether it is something that is installed into our minds right off, or not, sex trafficking is personal. It affects the world we live in, if we are conscious of it or not. So, be aware. Don't be blinded by what you want to pay attention to rather then what you should be paying attention to.
Keep your eyes open, injustices are taking place everywhere and either you pay attention an know that the issues are personal or you ignore the issues and keep quite on issues you need to have a voice about.
Remember to spread the word,
Nicole and Janice
P.S. If you ever want to email us our email is askmeaboutsextrafficking@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you.
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