Saturday, September 7, 2013

It All Goes Together

Have you ever been in a group project for a class? I have many times and here is what always seems to happen. First off, there is always the person who does all the work. They bring cookies and drinks to all the meetings and on top of that do all the research for everyone in the group. Then when the meetings are done this person runs home to secretly cry on their pillow from pure exhaustion. Then there is the person who wants to help with the project. They are ready and willing, but person one makes it impossible for the shared help. Then there is the third person, the person doesn't want to do any work and does not do any work. And they feel just fine about this. I have had this happen many times and even in college I find that people are still this way.

Now, there is a point to my story and it does have to do with sex trafficking. To end sex trafficking a group effort is needed. Just like in a school project, only with this assignment everyone really does need to work together. But, see here is the thing, it is rather surprising how many people don't want to work together. They would rather do nothing, fight with each other on the right way to end the sex trade or just try and stop the sex trade all by themselves. Then these people get burnt out before they ever get a chance to do some positive damage.

But want to know something awesome about this positive "homework assignment"?  No matter what you do, you ARE helping! It doesn't matter how big or small you think what your doing is. Everything adds up. So really, you are doing a big thing! Plus, being informed on the matter and not being ignorant of a very important issue is also key.

So, the next time you are thinking, "dude! I wish I could do more!" Remember this, everything adds up and if you take the time to do your research you can make the educated choice on what to do next.
If you decided to close your eyes and go to sleep, ignoring the issue and think someone else will do your job. Here's the thing though, you're the only one you can control. You can't guarantee that anyone else will help stop sex trafficking. You can't even guarantee that Janice and I will always fight against sex trafficking (though we can guarantee we will). But you have the control to guarantee YOU will do something to see the sex trade stopped. If you don't step up to do something then what is making others decide to be positive students and help out on this "project"?

So, step up and be good students! Never forget that what you are doing is important and no one can do what you can do! No matter how small it is. You are a unique part to a puzzle that is fighting to end the sex trade. Now, get working and be the A+ students I know you all can be.

Keep studying,

Nicole and Janice

P.S. Have you been doing something to stop the sex trade? No matter how small it is, Janice and I want to share it with others! Email us your stories at! Plus if you have been sticky noting let us know! We want to share your passion! If you don't know what that is check out our first blog post Lets Explain Our Mission! It is totally worth your time.

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